Sunday, November 30, 2014

Writing, writing

I dusted off the prequel to the long story I just completed and just about doubled its length. It still works as a standalone but it works even better, imho, as the prequel that it is. Adds dimension to the characters and all.

Both have been submitted for potential publication, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Took a week off from writing while I was visiting my grandparents since I was working hard to get some things done for them that they are no longer capable of doing for themselves. Now I'm working on another story I abandoned years ago and so far that seems to be working out fairly well for me. I may need to go back and do some revisions to the beginning of it since the more I get into this thing the more convinced I am that I had no bloody clue where I was going with it when I started it. :3

On the up side, I added over 700 words to my outline and finally have a reasonably good idea of how this puppy is going to end. Or more accurately, how it's going to climax. The end-end is still somewhat eluding me but I've got a ways to go before I have to deal with that. ^^;

On the down side, I still suck at writing smut. -__-

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Story Complete

Well, as of about five minutes ago, I finished the story I've been working on for the last month. It clocked in at just a hair over 57,000 words.

It is by far the longest and most complicated thing I have ever written and for at least the last 10k worth I was seriously hating the whole thing. A lot of things have changed in my life since the last time I wrote a full story of any length and that was very evident while writing certain parts of it. Still, I think I managed to pull it off in the end. I hope so at least.

It's been handed off to my betas so we'll see what they think and then... you know, I have no idea what happens then. Guess I'll find out.